News And Events

February 19 ( Day 361) Dear brothers and sisters, It’s still winter but the sun is so bright that we feel the coming of spring. Ten more days and winter will be over. We didn't freeze and we were able to go through this cold and dark season. We know that there can be rather cold days in spring, too...
February 18 (Day 360) Dear brothers and sisters, We had an interesting day yesterday, we visited a boot camp where different groups of soldiers do their training before going to the front line. Our friend Rain invited us and showed the training location. Most of the things there he created himself...
February 17 ( Day 359) Dear brothers and sisters, Yesterday brought us a good surprise. Our dear brother Paul who has been bravely fighting since the first days of the war, came home for a short vacation. It was a nice surprise for our youth group that had a meeting yesterday evening. We thank God...
February 16 (Day 358) Dear brothers and sisters, We are having a good morning but at night there was alarm all over Ukraine and more than 30 rockets were flying to our territory. Many of them were destroyed but there were hits in some parts of the country. A Russian ship fired 8 missiles from the...
February 15 (357) Dear brothers and sisters, We had a good day yesterday and we hope your day was good, too. It was nice to see people with flowers everywhere, it made the whole day joyful. I came to the café early, there were not many people. I saw a military man at the table in the corner and...
February 14 (Day 356) Dear brothers and sisters, Today when people will talk about love it’s a good reason to tell how God loved this world. As we meet in the café for breakfast I hope to have many opportunities to share the good news of God’s love today. Another thought is about our soldiers who...
February 13 (Day 355) Dear brothers and sisters, It’s nice to start a new week with good emotions. We had a wonderful day yesterday. It was quiet and we had electricity in the church and there was a festive atmosphere: the music, the preaching, the prayers and many greetings. Our worship was...
February 12 (Day 354) After massive attack on Friday, the day without alarms yesterday was a blessing. And there was one more reason why the day was special. February 11 is our church birthday, twenty seven years ago we had our first worship as a church. So our worship today will be full of...
February 11 (Day 353) Dear brothers and sisters, Yesterday we had a hard day, the day when we could not relax. Around 100 rockets were launched to our territory. The rockets were sent to all regions from east to west, 61 of them were destroyed by the forces of our air defense. There were hits but...
February (Day 352) Dear brothers and sisters, This morning is not quiet. There is a large-scale alarm throughout Ukraine. The enemy strikes our territory with rockets doing another massive attack. There is a warning of more power outages. We pray for protection. Yesterday our day was good and busy...


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