News And Events

March 15 (Day 385) Yesterday was a special day in our church, we received guests who came to teach a seminar on helping people with war trauma. Dr. Jim Wilder, the chief neurotheologian of Life Model Works (USA) and Thomas Gerlach trauma therapist (Germany) made a trip visiting different cities in...
March 11 (Day 381) It’s a weekend again and I am preparing for our group meeting. Our counselor Vika is coming from Odesa today and we will do a group meeting together. Besides the group, it will be an opportunity to do more individual counseling if there is such a need. Our group is growing and we...
March, 8 (Day 378) First spring days are warm and nice and there are snowdrops blooming around. March 8 is a Women’s Day, the holiday that we inherited from our soviet past. In the beginning it was based on socialist ideology of equality then it lost its political background and people just...
March 4 (Day 374) It was a usual week full of air alarms, disturbing news and different activities. We are closely following what is happening at the front. Yesterday evening as we were having a video call with our grandchildren, our youngest granddaughter asked: “Did you have a war today?” Yes we...
February 27 (Day 369) Last week was full of memories of the last year and worries of the present. We were afraid that it could be a new massive attack on Friday. But it did not happen. There was another attack on the front line. It was strong and assertive but our soldiers were holding the line and...
February 24 (Day 366) Dear brothers and sisters, Today we look back and see 365 days and nights that merged into one continuous day - February 24. Unspeakable pain, unshed tears, suffering and hellish horror. Today we all in our thoughts return to this day a year ago. That day Sergey and I were...
February 23 (Day 365) Dear brothers and sisters, Tomorrow it will be a year, we lived through three hundred sixty five days of the war. The year was very long. When it just started there was a hope that it will not last long, the war should be over soon and we expected it to end in summer, then in...
February 22 (Day 364) Dear brothers and sisters, It's nice to wake up in a quiet and calm morning and though the information in a local messenger warns about cut offs of water and electricity today we do not worry because we got used to it. The situation in our town is better than in Odessa, where...
February 21 (Day 363) Dear brothers and sisters, Our day yesterday was full of events the most important of which was the visit of President Biden. When we saw in the news two Presidents walking along the streets in Kiev we were amazed by this brave expression of friendship and support. When they...
February 20 (Day 362) Dear brothers and sisters, We had a wonderful day yesterday. There were many people in the church. It was nice to see new people. One our family returned from Poland and we were so glad to see them. But most of all we rejoiced at the meeting with Paul. We were so glad to see...


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