News And Events

June 14 (Day 476) News from Ukraine When there is a war, there is not a single day without worries and tears. The nights have become unbearable. Every night, rockets and drones fly at us. And when we hear the alarm sound, we don't know where they will fly, because they can change their directions...
June 9 ( Day 471) News from Ukraine The last few days have been full of news, anxiety and despair. All we talk about is a blown dam, thousands of tons of water, flooded houses, water everywhere, help to people and animals. As a result of the destruction of the dam of Kakhovska Hydro Power Plant,...
June 5 (Day 467) We had a special holiday yesterday, we celebrated the Day of Pentecost. Our church gathered to celebrate the descent of Holy Spirit and thank God for sending us a wonderful Comforter and Counselor. We never cease to praise God for His amazing work in His church and in each of us. I...
May 29 (Day 460) Dear brothers and sisters, We hope you had a good worship day and a nice start of a new week. We had a good worship yesterday, Sergey preached about our attitude to prayer and gave an example of the conversation of two boys that he witnessed in the yard of our apartment building,...
May 24, (Day 455) News from Ukraine. Last week was a mixture of many emotions and thoughts that were anxious and calm, joyful and sad at the same time. We are constantly monitoring what is happening at the front and waiting for the messages of the relatives and friends who are there. Paul...
May 17 (Day 448) News from Ukraine Dear brothers and sisters, Thank you for your prayers and support. Thank you for standing with us during this difficult time. We thank all countries that help us with weapons and many other things that give us the opportunity to resist in this battle. We thank for...
May 10 (Day 441) News from Ukraine We have a good news, we completed the process of the purchase of the building for the Refugee Center. Now we own the building and after some renovation and improvement several families of refugees will live there. The building is rather big with a large yard....
May 4 ( Day 435) News from Ukraine This week was in some ways the same as the previous weeks, but in some ways it was completely different. Sergey and I decided to go to Odessa and spend some time with our counselors there, rearrange the setting of our office and meet with people from Odessa...
April 29 (Day 430) News from Ukraine. After a few calm days, we heard a siren at night, and in the morning we learned about a new tragedy. Evil, which has no limits, continues to kill us. The enemy sent 23 rockets to Kiev, Uman, Dnipro. Our air defense was able to destroy 21 of them but two rockets...
April 26 (Day 427) News from Ukraine Pleasant spring days bring joy and good mood. Everything around blooms and brings joy. We have peaceful days and it’s so nice to be active and not interrupted by air alarms. Odesa region has been in peace for almost a week. But we still worry because in the past...


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