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June 23, 2024 (Day 851)
Today is a good and joyful day, we celebrate the day of the Holy Trinity (This is how we call the day of Pentecost). This day is joyful despite the sounds of alarm and blackouts, because the real joy is given by the Holy Spirit. Today’s sermon is about the Comforter (Paracletos) who is a faithful Witness, a Helper, an Advocate, and a Friend. I don’t know how we would survive this time of troubles and sorrow if we were not comforted by the Holy Spirit.
It’s summer the school year is over and children are having summer vacation. We do not have many kids in our church now, but those who come love the church and love Sunday school. We want to plan some special events for them this summer. We can't have big events, but we can plan some fun for them like ice cream day, gardening adventure, music competition, fairy tale characters party, etc. We love them very much and know their needs, we support their parents. And we guide them on their journey with Christ. Each of them has their own needs and expectations. Their biggest wish is the end of the war. Little blond girl Sonya is waiting for her father to come home, he is fighting on the front line and is supposed to come home next month for a short vacation. Kiril, the boy with a nice smile, finished the first grade and his dream is going to the beach, Nelya, the older girl, wants to travel. They all have dreams and we hope that they will come true some day.
The situation at the front is still difficult. We haven’t received any messages from Anya for two weeks now, only “pluses” and “likes” to our messages. We know that she is very busy. Her husband Vitaliy is at home, he is recovering from a bad injury, he feels better, he can walk without crutches. It is very hard for them to be so far from each other.
I corresponded with Paul Lukoshkin yesterday. He does not write much about himself, just asks about the church, the youth group to know how to pray for our young people. Paul wrote that if everything is OK with him he will come home for a few days next week. His father, Victor is going to have a surgery. He is in pain and can not walk, he needs a replacement of hip joint. He needs our prayers.
Counselors of our center do a lot of counseling. People not only come to our office, but also contact us through the website for online consultation. Many people come for counseling with problems in their marriage. The war divided many families and aggravated their problems. Last week I had a session with a man who came to the point of divorce with his wife. He felt very desperate, kept talking about problems in relations. Then there was a moment when I was able to share the good news with him and tell him what a wonderful plan God has for the family, how God teaches to build relationships, teaches to forgive and how God can heal people’s hearts, heal marriages. There were tears in his eyes he thanked me for guiding him to God. I hope this is the start of a healing journey for him and his family. Please, pray for many families that struggle now and need guidance.
Thank you for your prayers and for your support
Please, send your donations to Pathway Ministries
E. Langston Haygood,D.Min.,Ph.D.
Pathway Ministries, Inc.
288 Huntington Parc Circle
Birmingham, AL 35226
In Christ,
P.S. There are photos of the children of our church